Returns configuration
Introduction : managing returns with Onestock
Onestock offers a versatile order returns management system that can be utilized through various methods to accommodate the needs of both customers and businesses. Our module ensures a seamless and efficient returns process via the following approaches:
Self Service Return (SSR): an iframe provided by Onestock that can be embedded directly into an e-commerce site, enabling customers to independently declare their returns.
Store App: by activating the
page in the Store App, sales people can search for customer orders and declare in-store returns.
Backoffice: used by the customer service team, the backoffice allows for the declaration of returns using multiple pre-configured delivery methods. All returns will also be displayed in the back office, regardless of how they were created.
External systems: Any other external systems can connect to our public APIs to manage returns, ensuring flexibility and integration with various platforms. API documentation is available here :
Before starting any configuration on returns, it is necessary to enable the "Return Management" module in the Backoffice. Admin users can activate it by going to the Configuration > Modules section. If the module is displayed as "not available", please refer to your Onestock contact who will make it available.
Adapting the workflow
The workflow is the foundation of the returns configuration, serving as the starting point for all return declarations, regardless of the method used. Indeed, all returns must be declared via a POST/return_parcels, and then the workflow will decide which path to take.
The workflow can be adapted with a simplified or an advanced model for returns management.
Simplified model
The simplified model manages only a single final return step, indicating that the items have been successfully returned. Generally, this step is not compatible with declarative methods such as the Self Service Return (SSR) or returns declarated in the backoffice, as these methods involve returns that are not yet finalized. However, it can be compatible with in-store returns or returns sent to Onestock via an external system.
The workflow can be configured as shown below, with a single state for the return parcel and the return line item group.
Return parcel workflow
Note : no action after creation is required
Return line item group workflow
Note : the action after creation update_line_item_groups_state
is required to update the concerned order lines to the returned
The process goes like this:
The Store App or an external system creates a return parcel via API (
). The reason, the condition, and potentially a comment can be given as parameters. The initial state of the workflow is automatically given to the return parcel:returned
When the return parcel is created, Onestock automatically creates the return line item groups associated with the corresponding index ranges. The initial state of the workflow is given to the return line item groups:
Thanks to the action after creation, the concerned line item groups are transited to the
Advanced model
The advanced model allows for the order return process to be divided into two stages: declaration and validation. This model is compatible with the Self Service Return (SSR) and declarations made in the backoffice, as the return is considered 'in progress' but not yet validated. Subsequently, other systems can validate or invalidate the return, such as the Store App for in-store returns or any external system via API.
The workflow can be configured as shown below, with an initial returning
state and a final state that depends on what has been declared by the validation system.
Return parcel workflow
Notes :
On the
state, the action after creationupdate_return_parcels_state
can be added so that the state is updated directly toreturned
if it comes from a validating flow (the Store App or other custom flow). For example, we can identify returns coming from the SSR via the “information” field, and set a reverse condition so that the action is not executed in these cases.
Then, the transition from returning to returned must update the state of the line_item group thanks to the action after
Return line item group workflow
Notes :
The action after creation
is required to update the concerned order lines to thereturning
All outgoing transitions must be auto, as they are updated with the return parcel state change.
Each transition contains a condition
to check the condition of the products according to the declarations of the person who validated the return.Each transition contains an action after
in order to update the concerned order lines.
The return process generally involves two stages.
First: return declaration
The Self Service Return, the Store App, the Backoffice, or any external system creates a return parcel via API (
). The reason and potentially a comment can be given as parameters of return line item groups. The initial state of the workflow is automatically given to the return parcel:returning
When the return parcel is created, Onestock automatically creates the return line item groups associated with the corresponding index ranges. The initial state of the workflow is given to the return line item groups:
Then: return update
The Store App or any external system can update the return parcel according to the situation.
The return is accepted.
updates the return_condition of line item groups, for example “like_new”.A
updates the return parcel state toreturned
.The return_condition validates the return, and the return line item groups change their state to
.Because of the action after, the concerned line item groups are transited to the
The return is received but refused (for example, if the items are damaged).
updates the return_condition of line item groups, for example “used” or “refused”.A
updates the return parcel state toreturned
.But this time, the return_condition invalidates the return, and the return line item groups change their state to
.Finally, the concerned line item groups can be passed again to the
The return is cancelled (for example, the customer called customer service to cancel).
updates the return_condition of line item groups, for example “aborted”.A
updates the return parcel state toreturned
.The return_condition cancel the return, and the return line item groups change their state to
.Finally, the concerned line item groups can be passed again to the
If the return is cancelled, it is possible to re-create a return on the same line items using the configuration "Status of return lines that can be declared in a new return". More information below.
General configuration
If the “Return Management” module is activated, the Returns tab will appear in the configuration section.
Reasons and conditions
The first two configurations allow you to offer reasons and conditions options in the interfaces (Store App, Backoffice, SSR).
Configuration | Key | Description | Example |
Return reasons |
| Reasons for returns proposed when declaring in the Store App and Backoffice |
General conditions of the items |
| General conditions of items proposed for returns validation in the Store App or in other external systems. |
Returnability perimeter
Other configurations can be used to establish the perimeter of what can and cannot be returned.
Configuration | Key | Description | Example |
Returnable order types |
| Types of orders that can be returned from the Store App or the Backoffice. One type is sufficient to validate the condition |
Returnable order line states |
| Order line states that can be returned. Declaring a return on a different state will be refused |
Status of return lines that can be declared in a new return |
| By default, a return line associated with a return parcel cannot be associated with a new one. This configuration allows you to bypass this rule. For example, by configuring the |
Limit the returnable items by a query |
| By default, all items can be returned. This configuration authorises only the items returned by the request |
Returnable period |
| Period (in days) during which returns are permitted. The calculation is based on the last update of the item's state. Once this period has elapsed, an alert message is displayed in the Backoffice but the declaration is not blocked. |
Create returns from the Backoffice
If the returns module is enabled, a "Create return" button will appear in the order options at the top right. However, the return methods must first be configured to display the options available for the return.
The return methods configuration must be done by sales channels. For each of them, an in_store method can be declared, as well as one or more postal methods
This configuration is in JSON format, so we advise you to copy and paste the example below to serve as a template
Here's what each field does.
Field | Type | Validation | Description | Example |
| array of objects | Optional | Array of carriers proposed for the given sales channel |
| string | Mandatory (if carriers given) | Name of the carrier. If the carrier label is to be generated by Onestock ("ignore_shipment" not set or set to false), the carrier name must match the format expected by Onestock. |
| string | Mandatory (if carriers given) | Delivery option. If the carrier label is to be generated by Onestock ("ignore_shipment" not set or set to false), the option must match those expected by the carrier. |
| string | Mandatory (if carriers given) | Stock location to which return parcels will be sent . The stock location must be created in Onestock, and its address given. |
| bool | Optional | If the parameter is set to true, Onestock will not generate any shipping label. This makes it possible to create returns with carriers not managed by Onestock. |
| array of strings | Optional | Name of the notification that will be sent when the return parcel is created. Generally, an email. A template has been designed by our teams for adding documents as email attachments. |
| array of strings | Optional | Name of documents to be generated when the return parcel is created (in addition to the shipment that will be autogenerated) |
| object | Optional |
| string | Mandatory (if in_store given) | Allows you to filter on a precise perimeter of stock locations proposed on the map. The stock location query must exist in Onestock. |
| array of strings | Optional | Name of the notification that will be sent when the return parcel is created. Generally, an email. A template has been designed by our teams for adding documents as email attachments. |
| array of strings | Optional | Name of documents to be generated when the return parcel is created. |
Current limitation: the address of the destination stock location is also used for the origin when the label is created, instead of the customer's address. We're working on a fix in the near future.
Store App configuration
As returns are managed from the customer_search
tab in the Store App, the configuration can be found via the path Configuration > Store App > Pages settings > Customer search > Specific settings. A redirect link has been also added from the returns configuration page.
Here are more details on the configurable elements.
Configuration | Key | Description | Example |
Returns declaration |
| If enabled, returns can be declared on the Store App |
Returns validation |
| If enabled, returns in progress can be validated and declared as returned in the Store App |
Restrict validation to the declared store |
| If enabled, only the store specified when the return was created will be able to validate it. Otherwise, all stores in the network will be able to validate it |
Display detailed information |
| If enable, a button appears giving access to more details about the return |
No document generation |
| If enabled, document generation will not be proposed when the return is declared |
Optional document generation |
| If enabled, document generation will not be mandatory to finalise the return declaration |
Two configurations are currently missing from DIY (but will soon be added):
Return parcel states from which you can validate a return.
The state to which the return parcel should be transited after validation
To override these configurations, you need to make a PATCH/configurations
by API by putting the following object in the keys
"vendor_interface.page_state_params": {
"return_parcel": {
"to": "returned",
"initial_states": [