
This configuration enables customized issue reasons to be displayed when the “Issue” button is clicked on the Receive, Collect and Carry pages.


This button is used to report a problem in the process, such as a missing or faulty item, or a customer who does not collect the order.

It is different from the ‘unavailable’ button, because the order is too far advanced to go back into orchestration. As a result, when the issue is declared, the line item group(s) are transited to the ‘issue’ state via the API call PATCH /line_item_groups/{line_item_group_id}. The reason is given as parameter in the body.

To override the default configuration, go to the tab Configuration > Store App > Pages > {page name} > Issues and click on the “Enable” button. Then, just enter a correct format JSON and save.


Note: The reasons can have any identifier, but it is preferable to use only lowercase letters and underscores to avoid any issues. Then, translation keys can be added to the Store App.

For instance, the reason customer_refusal can be configured in the “issue” configuration, and then translated into “The customer does not want to pick up their order”.


Reasons for issues can be configured at parcel and item levels.

Here is the default configuration. For each entity, the entire reason table can be modified.

{ "line_item_group": [ "missing", "faulty", "wrong_reference" ], "parcel": [ "missing", "faulty" ] }


Reasons for issues can be configured at parcel and item levels.

Here is the default configuration. For each entity, the entire reason table can be modified.

{ "line_item_group": [ "missing", "faulty", "wrong_reference", "unsatisfying" ], "parcel": [ "missing", "faulty" ] }


Reasons for issues can be configured at item level only.

Here is the default configuration. The entire line item group table can be modified.

{ "line_item_group": [ "missing", "faulty", "wrong_reference", "unsatisfying" ] }