Webhook configuration

What is a webhook?

A webhook is an asynchronous communication method that sends a one-way notification using an HTTP service. It is triggered by an event and sends information without an initial client or user request.

To function, a webhook must be subscribed to a specific topic. When the event occurs, the webhook receives and processes the information.

Example Use Case in OneStock: When an order changes state (e.g., from placed to shipped), instead of continuously polling an API, a webhook sends a notification of the state change directly to the user.





Implementing a Webhook in OneStock

OneStock OMS requires certain configurations and parameters to be set before a webhook can be used. A legitimacy check can also be added as a final step. This is optional, but highly recommended. We discuss each of these steps and requirements below.

In order to configure webhooks in OneStock you will need to complete the 3 following steps:

  1. Configure your site for webhook notifications

  2. Set up a webhook

  3. Subscribe your webhook to a topic


1. Configure your site for webhooks

Your site configuration sets the following parameters:

  1. The retry delay before a temporary or complete stop

  2. A contact in case of an error

  3. The name of the notification to send in the error message

A template that can be used for configuring at Order Management Center/Configurations/Outbound Messages/Webhooks

{ "retry_intervals": [ 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 840 ], "retries_until_failure": 3, "on_failure": { "contact_emails": [ "email@company.com" ], "contact_mobiles": [], "sms_notification_name": "", "email_notification_name": "webhook_failure" }, "on_deactivation": { "contact_emails": [ "email@company.com" ], "contact_mobiles": [], "sms_notification_name": "", "email_notification_name": "webhook_deactivation" }, "on_failure_recovered": { "contact_emails": [ "email@company.com" ], "contact_mobiles": [], "sms_notification_name": "", "email_notification_name": "webhook_failure_recovered" } }


The default retry delay values are set as shown above in seconds. In this instance the webhook would make the first call and if no response or confirmation is received then it will retry 6 times, first after 30 seconds, then 60, then 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 8 minutes and finally 16 minutes. However, after the 3rd failed attempt, i.e. one with no response, it will send a notification of failure to the contact details in the configuration.

If a response or confirmation is received before the 6th call then the webhook will send another notification, as it is now classed as ‘recovered’. The retry counter will then be reset at 0.

2. Set Up a Webhook

Creating a webhook is mostly done via API (use the POST /webhooks route) however some options can be set via our new configuration screens. These are shown later.

The configuration of the webhook defines important information such as which topic to subscribe to and the HTTP method to connect.

There are three mandatory fields required for webhooks with OneStock, they are:

  1. Your Site ID

  2. The HTTP method

  3. The destination URL

Your OneStock contact will be able to provide with your Site ID if you do not know it. It will be a series of numbers following a lower case 'c', for example c404.

OneStock uses RESTful APIs so the HTTP method can be GET XGET POST PATCH PUT or DELETE.

The destination URL will be the address where the webhook will send its requests.

3. Subscribe your webhook to a topic

To listen to OneStock events you will subcribe your webhook to a topic. We distinguish to types of topics, standard and custom. Standard topics work out of the box, you just need to sucribe your webhook to one of them and you will start receving all events that go through the topic event stream. Custom topics need slightly more configuration and allow you to listen to specific events that you will trigger trough your workflow.

Standard topics

1. Subcribe a webhook to a standard topic

To listent to topics, you simply need to subscribe a webhook to one or multiple topics, through a

POST /webhooks call.

POST /webhooks

{ "site_id": "MySiteID", "token":"token", "webhook": { "hash_key": "personnal_hash_key", "http_method": "POST", "status": "enabled", "topics": [ "order_state_changed", "parcel_state_changed", "line_item_group_state_changed" ], "url": "https://myWebhookURL" //you can generate a disposbel one at https://webhook.site/ } }


Following a list of all topics we currently support. We may add more at any time, so in developing and maintaining your code, you should not assume that only these topics exist.


Displayed Name


Message structure


Displayed Name


Message structure


Buffer Import Completed

Notifies when an async buffer import using API or file is completed


import_id: string status: string



Buffer Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a synchronous buffer import using API POST method fails




Asynchronous Buffer Import Error Occurred

Notifies when an asynchronous buffer import fails


… full list bellow





Displayed Name


Message structure


Displayed Name


Message structure


Buffer Import Completed

Notifies when an async buffer import using API or file is completed




Buffer Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a synchronous buffer import using API POST method fails




Asynchronous Buffer Import Error Occurred

Notifies when an asynchronous buffer import fails



Customer Import Completed

Notifies when an async customer import using API or file is completed




Customer Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a synchronous customer import using API POST method fails




Asynchronous Customer Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a asynchronous customer import fails



Transfer Import Completed

Notifies when an async transfer import using API or file is completed



Transfer Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a synchronous transfer import using API POST method fails




Asynchronous Transfer Import Error Occurred

Notifies when an asynchronous transfer import fails



Stock Import Completed

Notifies when an async stock import using API or file is completed



Stock Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a synchronous stock import using API POST method fails




Asynchronous Stock Import Error Occurred

Notifies when an asynchronous stock import fails



Line Item Group State Change

Notifies of a state change for line item groups




Order State Change

Notifies of a state change for orders




Parcel State Change

Notifies of a state change for parcels




Entity Update

Notifies of OMS entities information changes (parcels, line item groups and orders) POP (endpoint_orders, containers, piece_groups) and RM (return_parcels, and return_line_item_groups)

line_item_group_entity_updated, order_entity_updated, parcel_entity_updated


Orchestration Rules Changed

Allows triggering of preparation order on time.

When there is an orchestration rule change with a warehouse custom claim action triggered, line item groups are retrieved and a preparation order is sent to the warehouse.




Candidates Added

Notifies that an endpoint is candidate for an order.




Candidates Removed

Notifies when an endpoint is no longer candidate for an order.



rules_over Before 12.4

orchestration_rules_over 12.4

Rules Over (custom notification)

Notifies of a rules over transition for an order.

orchestration_rules_over 12.4 (new version more accurate than rules_over)





Item Import Completed

Notifies of a completed item import




Item Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a synchronous item import using API POST method fails




Asynchronous Item Import Error Occurred

Notifies when an asynchronous item import fails



Payment Error

Notifies of errors during payment treatment






Order Preparation Entity Change

Notifies of order preparation entity state changes (creation, update, removal)

  • container_state_changed, operator_state_changed, endpoint_order_state_changedand piece_group_state_changed


Return Parcel Creation

Notifies of the creation of a return parcel

return_parcel_created :

return_parcel_created@v3 :





Notifies of a state change for a return return_line_item_group or return_parcel

return_line_item_group_state_changed and return_parcel_state_changed



Line Items Reservations Update

Notifies of a reservation update on a line item group (global reservation to endpoint reservation, future stock to on hand, endpoint reservation removal)




Stock Coverage Import Completed

Notifies of a completed stock coverage import




Stock Coverage Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a synchronous stock coverage import using API POST method fails




Asynchronous Stock Coverage Import Error Occurred

Notifies when an asynchronous stock coverage import fails



Stock Disposition Import Completed

Notifies of a completed stock disposition import




Stock Disposition Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a synchronous stock disposition import using API POST method fails




Asynchronous Stock Disposition Import Error Occurred

Notifies when an asynchronous stock disposition import fails



Endpoint Import Completed

Notifies of a completed stock import




Endpoint Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a synchronous endpoint import using API POST method fails




Asynchronous Endpoint Import Error Occurred

Notifies when an asynchronous endpoint import fails



User Import Completed

Notifies of a completed user import




User Import Error Occurred

Notifies when a synchronous user import using API POST method fails




Asynchronous User Import Error Occurred

Notifies when an asynchronous user import fails



Carrier Error

Relays of errors during carrier communication




Notifies of the creation of a tracking link




Notifies of the creation of a shipment



Stock Export Completed

Notifies the completion of a stock export by file (SFTP)

2. Test that all works correctly

To do so, you can simply create a disposabel webhook endpoint going to https://webhook.site/ and use it as the url of your topic (by clicking on edit you can change the response code do 202, only 100 webhook receptions are allowed for free). In the case of our example, when a parcel transitions from new → bagged , as when bagged in the Store App, we should receive a body as the following

Custom topics

If the event you wish to subscribe to is not listed above you can create a custom topic. The custom topic can either notify based on an existing OneStock events, or based on an event triggered in the workflow.

Custom topics can be created via API, or via the Back Office Configuration screens.

1. Create a custom notification

Go to Configuration > Outbound Messages > Notifications, and add a custom notification. Base yourself on the following code example and tailor it to your need by modifing the id and the topic id. Leave the rest unchanged.

2. Create the custom topic

In order to configure a webhook via API the topic must be set using the route POST /webhook_topics as shown below.

POST /webhook_topics

3. Subcribe a webhook to the custom topic

We must add a listener to the custom topic. To do so, we just need to create a webhook using the route POST /webhooks

POST /webhooks

4. Trigger the custom notification from the workflow

Add a send notification event in the transition that must trigger the custom notification, an set the custom name, in our case, email_sent_to_client

Video walkthrough

5. Test that all works correctly

Upon receiving a message via webhook, it is essential to return a 202 Accepted response promptly (within 15 seconds, but ideally under 300 ms) after verifying the message’s legitimacy (optional but recommended)

To do so, you can simply create a disposabel webhook endpoint going to https://webhook.site/ and use it as the url of your topic (by clicking on edit you can change the response code do 202, only 100 webhook receptions are allowed for free). In the case of our example, when a parcel transitions from new → bagged , as when bagged in the Store App, we should receive a body as the following

4. Acknowledgment of Webhook Receipt

Upon receiving a message via webhook, it is essential to return a 202 Accepted response promptly (within 15 seconds, but ideally under 300 ms) after verifying the message’s legitimacy (optional but recommended)

Upon receiving a message via webhook, it is essential to return a 202 Accepted response promptly (within 15 seconds, but ideally under 300 ms) after verifying the message’s legitimacy (optional but recommended). If this acknowledgment is not received in time, the system will retry sending the message according to the retry_intervals configuration, if retries are not acknowledged under 15 seconds.

To maintain synchronization between OneStock and your service, please acknowledge incoming webhook messages immediately. Delays can cause desynchronization and data inconsistencies. We recommend processing messages asynchronously and sending acknowledgments promptly to ensure smooth integration.

Legitimacy Check

While optional, OneStock strongly recommends performing a legitimacy check to ensure that the webhook message is genuinely sent by the OneStock system.

Each webhook message includes a signature in the header with the following format: timestamp + "." + signature.

During webhook setup (POST /webhooks), a hash key is either provided by the client or generated by OneStock. This key, referred to as h0, is used to encrypt the signature. OneStock retains the three most recent hash keys (h0, h1, h2) to support ongoing signature verification.

The signature format is:
t=timestamp.h0=h[0],h1=h[1],h2=h[2], where:

  • timestamp: The current timestamp.

  • h[0]: The signature encrypted using the latest hash key.

  • h[1]: The signature encrypted using the previous hash key.

  • h[2]: The signature encrypted using the oldest hash key.

Examples of signature and verification code

Current timestamp = 1704092400

Encryption of h0 for 1704092400 = 1234 (encryption of the timestamp with the new key)

Encryption of h1 for 1704092400= 9876 (encryption of the timestamp with the previous key)

The signature will be the following : t=1704092400.h0=1234.h1=9876

Resulting the header : Onestock-Signature=t=1704092400.h0=1234,h1=9876

Webhook Acknowledgment Best Practices

To avoid blocking the entire message queue when processing webhooks, it is crucial to focus on the signature validation first and handle any additional checks asynchronously.

Recommended Acknowledgment Process:

  • Signature Validation:

    • Objective: Ensure the message is legitimately sent by OneStock.

    • Action: If the signature is valid, immediately return an HTTP 202 Accepted response.

  • Asynchronous Content Validation (if applicable):

    • Any additional checks (e.g., content validation) should be performed asynchronously after acknowledging the message. This prevents delays in processing subsequent webhooks and ensures a smooth message flow.

Key Benefits

  • Prevent Queue Blocking: By acknowledging based solely on signature validation, the message queue remains smooth and uninterrupted.

  • Efficient Processing: Additional content checks can be handled asynchronously, avoiding potential bottlenecks.

5. Retries, Error Management and Alerts

If acknowledgment is not received within the configured time frame, the system will retry sending the message. Notifications regarding errors can be sent via SMS, email, or both.


  1. on_failure: Triggered after the maximum number of retries (retries_until_failure) is reached without acknowledgment. Retries count do not include the original message (the first one which was not ackowledged).

  2. on_failure_recovered: Triggered when a failed message is later acknowledged during a retry. The retry count resets to 0.

  3. on_deactivation: Triggered when the maximum retry attempts are exhausted without recovery. The webhook is automatically disabled and must be manually reactivated.

To resolve these errors, ensure your web service is functional and restart the webhook by setting it’s status to enabled with a PATCH /webhooks/:id/status.


Emails and SMS are sent to notify webhook events stated above.

This are configured in the site configuration

6. Webhook Statuses

  • enabled: The default state after creation. Messages are processed normally, triggering the webhook.

  • Paused: Messages are stored while the webhook is in a paused state. The behavior of this state depends on the scenario:

    • Manual pause: No messages will be sent until the webhook is manually re-enabled.

    • Automatic pause: This occurs when a message is not acknowledged by the receiver within 15 seconds. In this case, the message will be retried. If the message fails to be acknowledged after the configured number of retries (retries_until_failure), an on_failure notification will be triggered (via email and/or SMS, depending on configuration). If the maximum number of retries is reached without success, the webhook will be disabled. However, if the message is acknowledged before reaching the retry limit, the webhook will automatically resume sending messages (enabled).

  • disabled: The webhook stops functioning and storing messages after an on_deactivation error. It must be manually reactivated.

7. Message storage

Messages are stored for a week; those older than a week are automatically deleted.

8. Integration Requirements

1. Handling Idempotency in Webhook Integration

When integrating with OneStock's webhook system, it is crucial that your webhook client handles idempotency. OneStock expects all webhook clients to process messages in an idempotent manner to ensure consistency and reliability.

What Is Idempotency?

Idempotency refers to the property of certain operations where executing them multiple times yields the same result as executing them once. In the context of webhooks, this means that if the same message is received more than once, processing it multiple times does not cause unintended side effects or data inconsistencies.

Why Is Idempotency Important?

Due to network issues or other transient problems, a message sent by OneStock might not be acknowledged by your system. In such cases, OneStock will retry sending the same message to ensure it has been received and processed.

If your webhook client does not handle idempotency:

  • Duplicate processing: The same operation might be performed multiple times (e.g., applying the same order change repeatedly), leading to inconsistent data or errors.

  • Integration breakdowns: Critical systems like your ERP might encounter conflicts or errors due to repeated operations, potentially disrupting business processes.

How to Handle Idempotency

Use the message-id Header

Each webhook message sent by OneStock includes a unique message-id in the HTTP headers. This identifier is essential for ensuring idempotent processing.

Implement Message Queueing and Asynchronous Processing
  1. Acknowledge Immediately: Upon receiving a webhook message, your system should send an acknowledgement to OneStock immediately.

  2. Enqueue the Message: Store the message-id and the message payload in a reliable queue for asynchronous processing.

  3. Process Asynchronously: Use a separate worker or process to consume messages from the queue and handle the idempotency checks.

Ensure Idempotency in Asynchronous Processing
  • Store processed message IDs: Maintain a persistent record of all processed message-ids.

  • Check before processing: Before processing a message from the queue, check if its message-id exists in your records.

    • If it exists: Skip processing.

    • If it does not exist: Process the message and then store its message-id.

Ensure Atomic Operations

To prevent race conditions:

  • Atomic transactions: Combine the message processing and the storage of the message-id into a single atomic transaction.

  • Thread safety: If your application processes messages in parallel, ensure that access to the message ID store is thread-safe.

Example Implementation

Webhook Handler Function

Asynchronous Message Processor

Acknowledging Messages

  • Successful processing: Since you acknowledge messages immediately, ensure that your asynchronous processing handles failures internally without relying on OneStock to retry.

  • Failed processing: Implement retry mechanisms within your message processor for transient errors.

  • Network failures: Immediate acknowledgement reduces the chance of network issues causing message retries from OneStock.

Advantages of This Approach

  • Improved performance: Acknowledging immediately reduces response time and prevents timeouts.

  • Scalability: Asynchronous processing allows your system to handle a higher volume of messages efficiently.

  • Reliability: Queueing messages ensures they are not lost and can be retried in case of transient failures.


  • Handle retries gracefully: Design your webhook client to process duplicate messages without adverse effects.

  • Use message-id for idempotency: Leverage the unique message-id header provided by OneStock for tracking.

  • Process asynchronously: Acknowledge messages immediately and process them in a separate worker or process.

  • Prevent duplicate operations: Ensure that repeated messages do not cause inconsistent states or errors in your systems.

8. Integration Best practices

Use a Queuing System to Receive Messages

To ensure smooth and reliable communication, it's essential to acknowledge webhook messages swiftly—ideally within 15 seconds—by returning a 202 response code. This approach ensures that OneStock knows your system has received the message, allowing the process to continue without delays.

Why Use a Queuing System?

  • Immediate Acknowledgment: By decoupling message reception from processing, you can instantly acknowledge the receipt of the message. The queue receives and stores the message, allowing your system to process it asynchronously without holding up the response.

  • Enhanced Reliability: A queuing system provides a buffer, ensuring that even if your system is temporarily down or under heavy load, messages are not lost. They will be processed once your system is ready.

  • Easier Troubleshooting: Queuing services often come with tools that allow you to view and manage received messages, making it easier to diagnose and resolve any communication issues.

Recommended Queuing Solutions:

  • AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service)

  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Apache Kafka

Log Message Reception

If you choose not to use a queuing system, it's vital to implement robust logging of all received messages. Logging should include the message content and the response sent back to OneStock.

Benefits of Logging:

  • Monitoring and Auditing: Detailed logs provide a trail of received messages, which is crucial for monitoring system performance and ensuring that all messages are accounted for.

  • Incident Response: In the event of an issue, logs enable you to quickly identify and address the problem, minimizing downtime and maintaining communication integrity.

  • Compliance and Debugging: Logs can also serve as an essential resource for compliance and debugging purposes, helping you ensure that your system meets all necessary requirements and functions as expected.