Orders details

Management of an order is available in its Order Details page.


Information related to order are displayed in Order information section.
Order information section includes Summary, Payment and Delivery section.
Summary section is used to display information related to order like creation date and type of commande.
Payment section is used to display payment information like sub-total and shipping fees.
Delivery section is used to display delivery information like client information, delivery address and billing address.
Content of Summary , Payment and Delivery section can be defined in Parameter page.
Alerts (like orchestration timeout) are displayed in Summary section.
Delivery information can be modified through Edit delivery information pop-in by clicking on Modify delivery information button.

Note : Delivery information can be modified until preparation is done.

Comments can be added and viewed by clicking on Comments button.

Items, parcels and bags

Order Details page display items of an order and their information like name, image or quantity.
Items will be grouped when prepared by vendors.
Groups can be bags or parcels.
Information related to groups (like tracking code and carrier) will be displayed.
Displayed information related to groups and items can be defined in Parameter page.

Information related to items and groups can be accessed by clicking on them.
States can be modified in accordance with state graph.
Depending on its state, an item can be removed from the order.

For parcels / return parcels managed by carriers proving tracking link, a Track Parcel button will be available.
It will open carrer tracking parcel page to follow parcel shipping.
Print button allows to print documents related to shipping (like shipping label).

🏷️ Items Section - Snapshot of Order Content

In this section, you will find all the lines of the order. The lines are grouped by state, and for each line, three lines of information can be displayed. You have the flexibility to configure the displayed information in the order details configuration page.

If the same item is included in two different order items, it will be displayed separately. You can click on an item to navigate to the parcels in which it is contained.

Bundles are displayed folded if all its components are in the same state as the bundle. If the components have different states, the bundle will be unfolded.

Review stock before manual claim. If the claimed state is available in the manual state change list, a list of stock locations stock will be displayed. Stock is calculated using the stock query of the current ruleset, or of the ruleset assigned to the order if orchestration has not yet started.

Parcels Section - Clear Details of Order Fulfillment

In this section, you will find packages and bags. To view the contents of a parcel, simply unfold it.

For each parcel, three lines of information can be displayed. You have the option to configure the displayed information in the order details configuration page.

You can print or reprint documents by clicking on the printer icon. The printable documents can be customized in the Order details configuration page.

If a parcel is currently being shipped, the tracking link will be displayed. Please note that the availability of the tracking link depends on the carrier you are using.


All actions related to the order is tracked and displayed in its Historysection.
For actions manually set, user identity of the one that initiated it will be displayed.
Elements can be filtered based on log level or user responsible of the action, by clicking on Filter button.
Text can be searched by typing it in Search text input field. Search will be applied on all texts displayed in History section and only elements containing search text will remain displayed.
Tracking Parcel and Print button are available on history element related to shipping events.
Note : Dates are in format DD/MM/YY


Viewing stock locations of all articles based on the stock query used during the current orchestration rule can be accessed by clicking on Stock button. If orchestration has not yet started, the stock of the orchestration rule assigned to the order is the one used.

Note : Stock page related to an order is not shareable. Access must be through its Order details page



Current rule of an order can be viewed through Orchestration pop-in by clicking on Orchestration button.
Orchestration pop-in allows to switch to a specific ruleset and rule.
Note : Change of ruleset/rule depends on user rights.