Scheduled events : Use case examples

Close all stock locations during a public holiday


New year’s is coming (1st January 00:00AM until 1st January 11:59PM). We would like for all stock locations to be displayed as closed in our different interfaces (reserve&collect funnel, order in store and delivery promise).


We would create a scheduled events.

Stock locations, to close them during New Year's Eve.

  1. Result :

    1. Selected stock locations will be displayed as closed during New Year’s Eve in the order in store and reserve & collect funnel.

    2. Delivery promise operations, pickups, deliveries, and capacity consumption will be postponed till after New Year’s Eve.

If working with the Delivery Promise, a recompute should be triggered if the scheduled event has been created/modifies less than 5 days before its from date. Creation date after December 27th in our example. For more info go here

Stock locations scheduled events

Stock locations scheduled events


From: 01/01/2023 00.00

To: 02/01/2023 08:00



Open: disabled

Claim: disabled

Stock Export: No effect


Stock locations selection



Close some stock locations during a holiday and continue to operate on others


New year’s is coming (1st January 00:00AM until 1st January 11:59PM). We would like for some stock locations to not expose their stock and be displayed as closed in our different interfaces (reserve&collect funnel, order in store and delivery promise), and continue to expose stock and process orders with our warehouses.


We need to create 1 scheduled events.

  1. Stock location (event 1), to consider as closed and not expose stock of closed stock locations.

    1. Result :

      1. Selected stock locations will be displayed as closed during New Year’s Eve in the order in store and reserve & collect funnel.

      2. Delivery promise operations, pickups, deliveries, and capacity consumption will be postponed till after New Year’s Eve.

Stock locations scheduled events (event 1)

Stock locations scheduled events (event 1)


From: 01/01/2023 00.00

To: 02/01/2023 00:00



Open: disabled

Claim: disabled

Stock Export: disabled


Stock locations selection

Non warehouse stock locations



Postpone deliveries towards a given zone


If there's a zone that only includes Seattle


We need to create 1 scheduled event.

  • Delivery promise schedule event (event 1), to disable deliveries from all carriers except UPS to Seattle.

    • Result :

      • Delivery promise deliveries towards Seattle by all carries except UPS will be postponed from 12/12/2022 00.00 till 12/01/2023 23:59.

Stock locations scheduled events (event 1)

Stock locations scheduled events (event 1)


From: 12/12/2022 00.00

To: 12/01/2023 23:59



Delivery: disabled



Carriers: Select all and then un-select UPS.

Zones: Select the zone that refers to Seattle.


If there's NO zone that only includes Seattle


  • Let’s say there are 2 zones that include Seattle in our configuration. Zone_Washington and Zone_West_US. We would need to:

    • Create a new zone that only includes Seattle. Zone_Seattle

    • Create Zone_West_US without Seattle and Zone_Washington without Seattle: Zone_West_US_Without_Seattle & Zone_Washington_Without_Seattle

    • Create a delivery promise draft and:

      • For each current existing route that delivers to Zone_Washington or Zone_West_US, create two duplicates and change their delivery zones, one towards the new zone that excludes Seattle and the other towards Zone_Seattle.

  • We need to create 1 scheduled event.

    • Delivery promise schedule event (event 1), to disable deliveries from all carriers except UPS to Seattle.

      • Result :

        • Delivery promise deliveries towards Seattle by all carries except UPS will be postponed from 12/12/2022 00.00 till 12/01/2023 23:59.

Stock locations scheduled events (event 1)

Stock locations scheduled events (event 1)


From: 12/12/2022 00.00

To: 12/01/2023 23:59



Delivery: disabled



Carriers: Select all and then un-select UPS.

Zones: Zone_Seattle


Delivery Promise : Test and trigger recompute

Test delivery promise and publish draft

  • Go to delivery promise module

  • Create a draft

  • Go to test and test at a custom date. Select a date that should be impacted by the event (13/12/2022 in our example could be a good one).

  • Check that the delivery promise answers as expected (no carrier different to UPS towards Seattle).

  • Publish the draft.