Users Old
User managment has been revamped in our 12.2 release which will be in production Jul 1, 2024 , learn all about our centralized user management and multiple app user here
The current page you are viewing will be replaced on Jul 1, 2024 by
Back Office allows managing user creation and edition. This section is located at the bottom of the menu.
The “Users” page is only accessible to Client Admin
, Client Headquarters
and Client Retail Directors
Back-office user creation walk through
User list
The page displays all users with access to the site, as well as the store app users.
Users can be filtered using the search bar and filter button.
User edition/visualization
By clicking on a user on the list view, we can access its information and edit them if needed.
A user can only assign roles which have a rank lower or equal to its own role.
Roles & rights for BO users
Rank | Backoffice roles | API Key | Analytics | BI suite | Orders | Stock | Buffers | Items | Stock locations | Orchestration
| Workflows | Delivery
| Users | Configuration |
0 | Client Admin |
1 | Client Headquarters |
3 | Client Retail Director |
4 | Client Customer Services |
5 | Client Customer Services Configuration Manager |
6 | Client Configuration Manager |
7 | Client Viewer |
8 | Client Viewer Limited |
9 | Client Customer Service Analytics |
10 | Client Analytics Viewer |
Green = Full access (write)
Blue = limited access (read only)
Red = No access
Roles & rights for Store App users
Store app users are created via API. Bear in mind that the user ID needs to be unique and can’t be shared between a back-office and a Store App user.
Rank | Store App role | API Key | Can access the store app | Can create & manager users in store |
0 | Vendor manager |
1 | Vendor |
Green = Full access (write)
Blue = limited access (read only)
Red = No access
Access to sales channels
Access to sales channel filters is limited to users who have access to the users page, (OMC roles Client headquarters, Client retail director, and Client admin)
Access to individual sales channels is granted on a per user basis and can be configured at any point, not just when users are created.
To add or remove users from a sales channel, find their username in the Users list, click on the pencil, then in the details pane, select the required sales channels.
The simplest way to check which sales channels a users has access to is from the Orders page in the backoffice. Using the sales channel filter, the user can select from only the sales channels to which they have access.
N.B. The user may have to log out for changes in access to take effect.