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titleDoes this filter need to be activated?
  • For items queries : We recommend you to activate it systematically. Some queries called by Onestock interfaces use item filters to boost performance.

  • For stock locations queries : We do not recommend activating it, except if the aggregate is used to target a specific stock location.This generally happens in two types of stock queries:

    • For Click and Collect orchestration - whether in the unified or detailed stock query, one aggregate should use the stock location query stores_cfs_not_sfs to target the specific destination store. The Onestock orchestrator will put the destination store in the “endpoint_filter”, the aggregate must therefore take it into consideration to return only that store and not all the others eligible for Collect From Store. All other aggregates (using stock location queries stores_sfs and warehouses_sfs for example) must not have this parameter activated, as they must return all other eligible stock locations.

    • For the Order In Store catalog - the detailed stock query used for “immediate pickup” immediate pickup should have only one single aggregate to target the store using the catalog. This aggregate must use a stock location query such as stores_ois. To display stock availability, the Store App call the stock_export route given the current store in the “endpoint_filter”. The parameter must therefore be activated in order to return only the stock of the current concerned.


  • Types of unavailability: There are different types of unavailability declared in store, depending on the reason given by the vendor. You must indicate the types you wish to deduct from the available stock. We advise you to select the not_in_stock type.

  • Stock locations reservations: You need to Indicate the sales channels on which store reservations are to be taken into account.

  • Global buffers: You need to indicate the global buffers to be deducted. If several buffers are selected, the one with the highest value will be applied. The value to be input is the buffer group.

  • Stock locations buffers: You need to indicate the stock locations buffers to be deducted. If several buffers are selected, the one with the highest value will be applied. The value to be input is the buffer group.



Once the sum of the stock aggregates has been achieved, we can adjust 4 different parameters to obtain an appropriate stock response.


In particular cases, you can choose to take into account global reservations only on a list of sales channels, but in general you should leave the "All sales channels" parameter checked.



The unification adds up all stock lines and returns a single global value. This setting is very important as it will completely change the format of the stock response.



Note : if this parameter is activated, all children will inherit it and it will be impossible to delete it.

In general, this parameter should be enabled on unified queries but not on detailed queries. Inheritance must therefore always be in the sense of detailed > unified


The unification adds up all stock lines and returns a single global value. This setting is very important as it will completely change the format of the stock response.

The most common form of unification is by stock locations, but you can also unify by stock type if you have more than one configured on your project.



Example : StoreA, StoreB and StoreC each have 5 quantities of stock for a given item. The detailed query will return 3 results, each with 5 available quantities. Whereas the unified query will return a single result of 15 available quantities.

Inheritance must always be in the sense of detailed > unified

If the query is unified by stock locations, then the "unified" badge will be visible in the main page tree. Otherwise, the badge will be "detailed".


  • Diff/Full: If the "Full" parameter is checked, all stocks returned by the query will be sent. If "Diff" is checked, exported stocks are those that have changed since the last export on the same scope. As the full export is very large, it is usually set to be sent once in the morning. Then, several diff exports are sent at regular intervals during the day.

  • Scope key: This key, mandatory to perform diff exports, is a freely definable id which identifies a stock perimeter on which the export will be done. This can be a sales channel, a country, etc... When a diff stock is exported, only movements that have taken place since the last export on the same key are counted. Once exported, the counters are reset to 0 for this key, but not for the othersto 0 for this key, but not for the others.


To configure a scope key in a diff query, you first need to create it in the full one.


Example : The stock of my item changes at 10:05 am on a warehouse that can deliver from both UK and FR sales channels. A diff export to the UK website is carried out at 10:15, and another to the FR website at 10:30. If both exports have the same key, only the 10:15 export will return the movement, as the 10:30 export will not detect any movement since 10:15. On the other hand, if the two exports have a different key, they will both return the movement.


  • detailed - this basic query is supposed to return all available stocks from all stock locations on all items. A single aggregate all can be created, which can refer to endpoints and items queries, and with all deductions set. Only the setting of global reservations can be added.

    • unified - the query inherits from detailed. Only the setting of unification (by stock type and by stock location) has to be enabled.


Note : inheritance must always be in the sense of detailed > unified


The in_stock query created during config initialization is a basic query used by Onestock and should not be deleted


  • Order in Store catalog: These queries provide the availability of products in the Store App catalog. The “immediate pickup” availability is based on the detailed query, and the “ordering” availability is based on the unified query

    • ois_detailed - This query is only used to provide the “immediate pickup” immediate pickup availability, and so can be created at the root to target the current OIS store. It should only contain one aggregate "pickup_store"
      - The “pickup_store” aggregate should use the items_ois items query, and the stores_ois stock locations query which lists stores having ois module enabled in Immediate Pickup. Since we want to target ONLY the current store, we'll need to enable the parameter “Force usage of stock location filter requested” for the stock locations query because the store app will add the filter to the query.

      • Aggregates deductions: all deductions should be enabled (stock locations reservations, unavailability, global and stock locations buffers).

    • ois_unified_{saleschannel} - Then, the unified query is used to provide the “ordering” availability on a given sales channel. This query should looks like the export_unified_{saleschannel}_full one, because we will set up the same aggregates (“stores” and “warehouses” enabled for export). The parameter “Force usage of items filter requested” must be enabled for both aggregates.

      • Aggregates deductions: all deductions should be enabled (stock locations reservations, unavailability, global and stock locations buffers).

      • Settings : global reservations should be enabled. The export parameter must not be enabled (if a scope key is set, this may affect diff exports). The unification parameter must be enabled (unification by stock types and stock locations).

➡️ Here's what the OIS queries might look like, with a single detailed query at the root, and two unified queries for the two sales channels/websites FR and UK. The UK inherits from the FR, and only the “stores” aggregate is changed.


FR, and only the “stores” aggregate is changed.



Once the stock requests have been created, they need to be set up in the Store App configuration in “order_in_store_options”. Please get in touch with your Onestock contact.

  • E-reservation: These queries provide the availability of products in the Onestock’s e-reservation funnel in the website. The unified query is used to display or not the product as available for e-reservation, and the detailed one displays the list of available stores.

    • eresa_detailed_{saleschannel} - This query is used to target all available stores, so it should only contain one aggregate "stores".
      - The “stores” aggregate should contain the items_eresa items query, which lists items eligible for Reserve & Collect, and the stores_eresa stock locations query, which lists stores with the e-reservation module enabled.

      • Aggregates deductions: all deductions should be enabled (stock locations reservations, unavailability, global and stock locations buffers).

    • eresa_unified_{saleschannel} - The unified query can be created by inheriting from the detailed one.

      • Settings : only the unification parameter should be changed (unification by sock locations and stock types enabled).

➡️ Here's what the e-reservation queries might look like, with two sales channels/websites FR and UK.



Once the stock requests have been created, they need to be set up in the e-reservation funnel configuration. Please get in touch with your Onestock contact.

  • Delivery promise: These queries provide stock availability for different delivery methods.
