Image Added
(string) - mandatory
Classic fields
| | | |
| string | Yes | This key is used to give the identifier of the field. This id must match with parameters used in POST /customers request or PATCH /customers/<id> Expand |
| Contact fields: title , first_name , last_name , phone_number , email , company_name , mobile_number Address fields: address_1 , address_2 , address_3 , city , zip_code , country Custom fields: information.{custom_field} , external_id
| string | No | Indicates whether the field should be saved in the customer structure or the address structure. By default, customer is applied. Only used for information.{custom_field} and external_id names, the others are automatically redirected to the right structure. |
| string | No | Type of the field. By default, the text type is used. Expand |
| text - returns a string
email - returns a string
tel - returns a string
password - returns a string
flip-switch - returns a boolean
list - returns a string or an array of string depending on the ‘multiple’ value
| boolean | No | Indicates whether the field is mandatory or not. By default, fields are optional. |
| string | No | This key defines the name of the form element to which it must be placed after. Please note, the form element must be in the default form or declared before in the same form. It it also possible to place the element on the top of the form with the value :first . If multiple elements are placed in first position, they will be placed in the order in which they are configured. If not defined, the element form will be placed at the bottom of the form. Expand |
| If I want my field to appear after the country field of the default form : "position_after": "country" If I want my field to appear at the top of the form : "position_after": ":first" If I want my field to appear at the bottom of the form, I leave it blank.
| object[string] | No | Enables to add custom validation to the field, which will be checked when the create button is clicked. Expand |
| These 3 types of validation can be configured alone or together. min_characters (int) - minimum number of characters required
max_characters (int) - maximum number of characters required
regex (string) - Custom regular expression used to verify the field. More information Here.
Expand |
| Code Block |
"validation": {
"min_characters": 5,
"max_characters": 5
} |
Code Block |
| "validation": {
"regex": "^([a-zA-Z]){1}([0-9][0-9]|[0-9]|[a-zA-Z][0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zAZ][0-9][0-9]|[a-zAZ][0-9]|[0-9][a-zAZ]){1}([ ])*([0-9][a-zA-z][a-zA-z]){1}$"
} |
Fields if the field is a list
| | | |
options | | | |
initial_value | | | |
multiple | | | |
searchable | | | |
Request entries
Regarding the address:
- sent in the customer.addresses.[0].lines.[0]
field of the POST /customers
- sent in the customer.addresses.[0].lines.[1]
field of the POST /customers
- sent in the customer.addresses.[0].city
field of the POST /customers
- sent in the customer.addresses.[0].zip_code
field of the POST /customers
- sent in the customer.addresses.[0]
field of the POST /customers
Regarding the contact - sent in the customer.addresses.[0].contact
fields of the POST /customers
Regarding custom information
sent in the customer.addresses.[0].information
field if target = address / sent in the
field if target = address
sent in the customer.external_id
field. The target need to be set as customer.
Please note, the label of the field will be translated based on the translation key crm.<name>
Key | Mandatory | Type | Allowed values | Default value | Description |
| | | | | |
target | No | string | customer address | customer | This key defines which form is targetted: customer or address . By default if target is not given, customer is applied. Only useful for information.{custom_field} and external_id fields |
type | No | string | text, email, tel, password, flip-switch, list | text | This key defines the HTML element is used. text is for HTML input type text. Value returned will be a string
email is for HTML input type email. Value returned will be a string
tel is for HTML input type tel. Value returned will be a string
password is for HTML input type password. Value returned will be a string
flip-switch is for toggle switch (yes/no). Value returned will be boolean true for YES, and false for NO
list is for drop-down. If key multiple:false , then value returned will be a string. If key multiple:true , then value returned will be an array of string
options | No | string[] | / | / | This key is usable only if key:list It defines values inside dropdown. Content inside will be translated based on translation keys crm.information._<list_name>_options.<option_value> where <list_name> is the name of the list that will use options, and <option_value> is the value of the option. |
initial_value | No | string / bool | / | / | This key is usable ONLY if key:list It defines which value will be preselected. If multiple:true, use comma ',' to separate values. |
multiple | No | bool | / | false | This key is usable ONLY if key type:list . It defines if multiple selection can be done. If key multiple:false, then value returned will be a string. If key multiple:true , then value returned will be an array of string. |
searchable | No | bool | / | false | This key is usable only if key type:list It defines if dropdown elements are searchable. |
required | No | bool | / | false | This key force completion to validate form.
true to force. |
position_after | No | string | / | / | This key defines the name of the form element to which it must be placed after.
":first" is a keyword to place the element on the top of the form. If multiple elements are with position_after::first , they will be placed on the top of the form in the order of their declaration (first declared will be on the top). Element which is named in this key MUST have been declared before in the same form as this one. If NOT defined, the element will be placed at the bottom of the form. If multiple elements are with position_after not defined, they will be placed on the bottom of the form in the order of their declaration (first declared will be on the top). |